Introducing Prime Organics

Welcome to Prime Organics at Happy Valley which is owned and operated by the Jarvis family. Our property is located 7 km South East of Donnybrook in the Upper Capel region.

Happy Valley in Autumn
Happy Valley

As a third generation farming family we are passionate about growing organic food that is full of nutrition while nurturing the soil and in turn our souls. We have a paddock to plate philosophy to help local communities have access to local nutritious food. We currently produce organic fruit, beef cattle and free-range eggs. Please visit for more information about local organic produce.


Red Poll cows 2Our organic beef cattle free range over 200ha of our organic grazing pastures surrounded by native forests.  Our Certified Organic Beef (AUS-QUAL) is sold locally to organic retailers and the Organic & Biodynamic Meats WA Co-op.


Nashi crop 2014

Our seasonal fruit is produced from January until July. We grow apples, pears, plums & nashi in many different varieties. These are harvested at different times during late Summer and into late Autumn. Please contact us at to enquire about availability of our fresh fruit.



Chicken in orchard Our organically raised chickens are free-ranging in our 12ha certified organic orchard year round to help facilitate our organic pest control methods. They’re housed in mobile chicken housing which is moved weekly through each patch of orchard. They’re protected by trained guardian Maremma dogs from predators.  They have access to green pasture year round and are fed Eden Valley organic grain pellets.


Their eggs areChicken Tractor collected from their housing daily and washed & hand packed in our on farm pack house. Please contact us at to enquire about availability of our fresh eggs.



All our fresh produce is kept cool in our cold stores before being transported in refrigerated trucks from nearby local Donnybrook transport companies. We recommend you refrigerate our produce after purchase to keep it fresh.


WWOOF picker under nettingWe employ a small group of local staff and host Willing Workers On Organic  Farms (W.W.O.O.F) & Help Exchange (HelpX) volunteers for on the job training. Our volunteers exchange their time for food and accommodation.


Harvesting Apples
Harvesting Apples

Our volunteer workers have opportunities to help with our fruit harvest, collecting eggs, feeding chickens, packing fruit  and other orchard tasks at different times during the season.

We are grateful for the help they provide us during the year while they are learning new skills in our unique working environment.


If you are looking for a break away in the country we also accommodate families and couples in our original Happy Valley Homestead. Our unique self contained Farm Stay is fully renovated and available for families of up to 8 people for a relaxing holiday in our peaceful valley. For more information about Farm Stay’s in WA visit for lots of refreshing locations.

We welcome your feedback on our fresh produce and your experience of our country lifestyle in this beautiful part of the South West of Western Australia.

Fiona Jarvis